Hi there,
nowadays everybody needs to have a blog so now I give in to the pressure and start a new life as a proud blog owner.
I got the idea of doing this about 2 years ago when I was on holiday in Ireland. A friend of mine took a photo of someone eating in a restaurant. I don't know why but this picture got me thinking mainly about eating. I believe eating is something quite personal. That's why most people don't like being photographed during. This is where the internet comes in. Isn't the purpose of the internet showing embarassing or private incidents of anonymous people? In conclusion it is only logical to create a blog with pictures of random people eating.
As I told you I've had this idea for quite a while now and didn't do anything to fill this gap of useless information. Therefore you can imagine that I'm not the guy who gets things done immediately. You might wonder: How in the world is he going to maintain a blog that constantly needs new photos of people eating? Well, I think I can't so I am relying on the so-called "Web 2.0" meaning you people who might be as crazy as I am and who will send me pictures from all over the world.
To get this straight: I don't want pictures of you and your friends posing for a look-I-got-food-in-my-mouth-photo. There may be another blog for this. What I am trying to collect here are kind of food voyeurism pictures without being kinky. And please: Only photos you have taken yourself! Don't just google some.
So if you like my idea and want to be part of this new movement: Take you camera, go into town to the next restaurant or diner take a photo of some stranger taking a bite of whatever without him noticing (or he might think you are creepy) and send the photo to randompeopleeating@gmail.com Add a description where you took it and maybe a short background story if you like. Hope you are in and please post your opinion or any suggestions.
Thanks for your help